
Fadad Oussama

Frontend Developer Based In Morocco flag

Available for new opportunities


CB, MA · 33.5810° N, 7.5241° W

Fashion Shop

Fashion shop revolutionizes online fashion shopping with an intuitive interface, advanced filtering, and seamless cart management. Users can effortlessly refine searches, add or remove products, and choose sizes, all secured by a robust authentication system.

Freelancer Dash

Freelancer dash is a dynamic dashboard for freelancers, offering seamless task and project management with kanban organization and customizable calendar features. Clients table and projects section enable efficient CRUD operations and server-side project management. Real-time updates via dynamic cards and charts, with secure authentication for personalized access or guest exploration.

Modern World

Modern world is a visually stunning landing page featuring contemporary buildings and architectures. With a sleek modern UI, swipers, and animations, it delivers a seamless and engaging exploration of modern design excellence




Tailwind CSS



Redux Toolkit



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Interested in working together ?

I'm open to remote or on-site job opportunities, ready to contribute, learn, and grow. Connect with me on my Bento, where you can find all my relevant links in one place.

© 2023 Fadad Oussama